Keynote Speakers

Marc Treib

is Professor emeritus at the College of Environmental Design at the University of California in Berkeley, USA. He is an architect by training and an experienced scholar in the field of modern and historical subjects related to landscape architecture which he has widely published on. Honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, Fullbright Fellowships, American Academy in Rome Fellowship and  a number of notable Awards.  Marc Treib has also served on the Board of Senior Fellows, Dumbarton Oaks Program in Landscape Studies, served as juror and as an editorial board member for  a number of magazines under which: Journal of Garden History. Has taught design studios, lectured and researched on the urban designs of Eliel Saarinen; the Japanese garden in the twentieth century; nationalism and modernism in the landscape architecture of Christopher Tunnard and Sutemi Horiguchi as well as the landscape architecture of Luis Barragan. Professor Treib is co-author of Garrett Eckbo: Modern Landscapes for Living (1997), Also editor of Modern Landscape Architecture: A Critical Review (1993), co-editor of Regional Garden Design in the United States, Recent publications include Noguchi in Paris: The Unesco Garden (2003), The Donell and Eckbo Garden: Modern California Masterworks (2005). In 2005 he published a collection of papers under the title: Settings and Stray Paths: Writings on Landscapes and Gardens and in 2008 he  edited a book called: ‘Representing Landscape Architecture’.

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