Dorothée Imbert
Chairs the Master of Landscape Architecture Program and is a Professor at Washington University in St. Louis. She was trained as an architect and a landscape architect in Paris and at the University of California at Berkeley. She practiced landscape architecture at Peter Walker and Partners from 1996 until 1999 and subsequently taught at Harvard University for ten years before joining the faculty at Washington University. Imbert has carried out extensive research on landscape modernism with an emphasis on Europe and California, leading to the books The Modernist Garden in France (Yale, 1993), Garrett Eckbo: Modern Landscapes for Living, co-authored with Marc Treib (California, 1996, 2005), and Between Garden and City: Landscape Modernism and Jean Canneel-Claes (Pittsburgh, 2009). She is currently editing a volume on Food and the City for Dumbarton Oaks, where she organized a symposium on productive landscapes and the urban context in May 2012. Her recent design and research interests have centered on the intersection of urban interventions and the definition of productive landscapes. The project “Parking Plot,” carried out with Paula Meijerink and the students of Washington University, was included in the US pavilion’s exhibition Spontaneous Interventions: Design Actions for the Common Good at the 2012 Venice Architecture Biennale
Traces and Gaps
An Attempt to uncover 100 years of Landscape Architecture in Austria
The foundation of the first professional association of garden architects in Austria, the VÖGA Vereinigung Österreichischer Gartenarchitekten, in 1912 was the visible starting point for the professionalization of landscape architecture in Austria. The following winter, Yella Hertzka opened a horticultural school in Vienna, which finally opened the profession to women. Over the decades, intense discussions about professional ethics, tasks and styles contributed to the maturation of the profession. The development was not straight-lined though, but strongly influenced by cultural, political and social changes. Nevertheless, some professional issues run like a common thread through this manifold process such as the controversy about the architectural or landscape aspect of landscape architecture. To outline the history, the lecture picks out a few Viennese projects from the 1920s to the 1960s. These projects are not only significant for a special period, discussion or style, they also belong to a fairly young, and still underestimated segment of landscape heritage, often endangered these days.